Show and tell (and sell).

Posted by Christy Miller on Friday 13 April 2012.

Hopefully Friday the 13th is a lucky day for Saskatoon's handmade community: it's the first day of the Flock and Gather Springtime Handmade Market!

It's been quite a few late nights this week, but I'm excited to finally meet the other vendors and have some fun showing (and selling) some of the projects I've been working on. The final tally is 10 Pajama Pet Pillows, 4 teeny guys, as well as a selection of luggage tags, buttons and magnets (you know, because I had a few free hours last night).

Sewing some cards quickly turned them into a banner - how fun!

Thanks for all of the words of encouragement (especially my friend Jenn who told me to "Go Flock myself"!) Hope to see a lot of you there!

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