Posted by Christy Miller on Tuesday, 29 May 2012. Filed under: Blackstrap Art Studio Tour, Dundurn
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If you like weird stuff, I suggest you take a trip to Dundurn, Saskatchewan.
Susan and I ventured out for the Blackstrap Art Studio Tour this past weekend and in addition to the works by the artists themselves, the most memorable things we saw were at the Dundurn Wilson Museum.
How's this for a fancy frock:
This is a cape made of chicken feathers (12,000 of them to be exact), each one hand sewn over a period of four years. Each side is flanked by three chicken heads that are looking up at the wearer. This thing is freak-ay and gives whole new meaning to "put a bird on it!"
Round the corner and we walk straight into this:
A two-headed calf that was born in 1989, died shortly thereafter and was promptly stuffed and placed in the museum (aka circus sideshow) for all to see (but why??) I'm not going to lie, we screamed when we saw this fella. And my burger later in the day didn't taste so tasty.
My favourite stop was the quilts displayed in the elementary school; especially the old school patchwork quilts. Quilting is on my bucket list and I'm planning to take a class this fall.
Susan and I enjoyed our afternoon in the country, driving down the Old Highway (thanks for the soundtrack, Good Lovelies!), saw some wonderful works and learned some important life lessons:
But sorry artisans, but you simply can't compete with a two-headed calf.